Mul like a pieball pony in Kerry!

Mul like a pieball pony in Kerry!
Anyone tell him about Grecian 2000?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Oh my Gawd!!!!!!!!

Decided to rob this phrase from the nubile pubescent Americans for todays ditty... I had the most incredible day EVER!!!
I think I was a bit cruel saying that my night in Sunseekers Hostel was boring.. it really wasnt.. there were three that I spoke to and two of the three were nice but Mike could have been talking about paint drying cause every subject was just as interesting as that. His wife Val was lovely and Julie the other "billy no mates" person was very interesting .. well I discovered that over breakfast this morning. The room I was in was really good but I kept waking to the oddest animal sounds.. well I hope they originated from a species of the animal kingdom cause otherwise I am caught for an explanation as to what they were! Met Julie who is an avid fisherwoman.. the first I have ever met who admited that it was her passion over her frying her john dory this morning. She left " my buggar of a boyfriend" who by the way drvies a Bentley and is loaded at home as he could not be bothered accompanying her. I found it a bit strange that if the bf was that loaded as to why she was spending her hol in a hostel at 20 quid a night.. Anyhow it does not matter. She kept either laughing at me or with me but I still cant figure which one...!  I think I brightened her day after Mr Dry Paint! Anyhow I scarpered outta the hostel at 10 to the sunniest morning I have encountered in the southern hemisphere so far... The hostel in Wangerai is located on the side of a hill overlooking an estuary. In the sunlight and with the tide in it looked way better than last night!! I ventured to a place called Margonui also known as Doubtless Bay..... wow and wow again! Apparently when Captain Cook was discovering NZ he passed this place by and said to one of his crewmates.. "that is doubtless another bay and sailed past! The name stuck. It is FAB! but it gets better.. I started to wangle my way up Northlands on the Aupouri the way I am taking these names from the guidebook cause I never remember them. On the way I passed Coopers Beach.. wow.. Cable Beach wowier and then got to place called Waipapakauri or the start of 90 mile beach...... OH MY GAWD!! Its incredible and it is supposed to be 90km long at least and people use it as an access road to Cape Reinga in the north...
I decided not to bring the car on the beach as the excess on my car insurance would not cover it and anyhow if I got stuck it was up to "billy no mates" here to get himself out! Not a paper on the beach and wind howling and the waves crashing!!! I was mesmerised but better was to come. I walked for about an hour on it and then got into the car and worked myway up to Cape Reinga the most northerly point of NZ.This is where the Tasmin Sea hits the South Pacific sea and its one of the most incredible places I have ever seen. The sun was splitting and the seas were crashing against each other about half mile out with huge waves. Met a lovely Swedish couple there and got them to take a pic or two of me to prove I was there! I could have slept there I was so in awe of the place.
Dragged my self away as it was 4 pm and I had no accom booked or even an idea where to get any but I did want to get back to 90 mile beach. I drove the road back and set the sat nav for a place called Hochora.. the middle entrance to the beach but the bloody sat nav took me up a gravelled road and said that I would reach my destination in 20 km..... thats 12.5 miles to all the Paddies!! I was beginning to doubt Melissa ( my non too affectionate name for the sat nav) when low and behold I arrived again at the beach! It was just so impressive... massive expanse of sand and waves crashing and not a soul in site.. apart from the fools in the camper van about a mile down the beach who had got stuck in the sand. I did the uncharitable thing and turned before I reached them as I was not gonna do any damage to my back. Any way Dave said to avoid extreme sports as my insurance policy did not cover it!!. I complied and scarpered back the beach. On the way I spotted in a distance the "lovely" Swedish couple" who obviously had spotted me too and prob said to each other in swedish of course " Oh sweetest devine God there is that balding half scalded Paddy again" RUN"""( or what ever way they would say it in swedish!) They had gone by the time I had arrived panting after doing the 1km dash!!
Left that place and now back in Waipapakauri at the start of the 90 miler beach in a little chalet in NinetyMile Beach Holiday Park no less..5 beds in the chalet no loo or shower... its communal washing in the morning.. but a fridge to cool the last litre of cheap plonk and all for €40. The perfect end to the day was the fact I got the sun set on the beach.. what more could Der want apart from Calamine lotion as I got the side of me neck scalded with the window open today! Still though its a healthy glow. Now add to that the midge bite on my forehead and ankles and u get the picture..!!!.
Speaking of pics.. I will try and add some so have a look out for them over the next few days.
I am doing such an uncouth thing at the mo.. guzzling cheap plonk from a mug!! Mum I am sorry... all that expensive education and I let ya down..
Have a great day guys and "a mattina.. buongiorno!!!!" Have a brill day!!!!!!!

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